Construction Continues along the Provo River’s Original Channel
Small Dam
A small dam is being constructed in the downstream end of the original Provo River channel, near Utah Lake State Park, to support recreation through this reach. A preliminary structure was constructed last winter and the area was “pre-loaded” with materials to consolidate soft soils. This foundation was left to settle so it can support a more substantial engineered dam structure. Crews wil return to complete the structure in the coming months. The small dam, revegetated banks and associated recreation features will be completed in 2025. In the meantime, please stay out of the signed and fenced area for your safety and to protect the work being completed.
Diversion Structure
A diversion structure was constructed on the south bank of the Provo River, upstream from Lakeview Parkway, to divert a portion of Provo River water from the new delta channel and into the river’s original lower channel. During high runoff this past spring, we experienced clogging of this structure due to high sediment volumes in the river and other debris (shopping carts, carpet, tarps, etc) collecting against the diversion. We will be evaluating modifications to this structure and anticipate reconfiguring the intake to reduce the clogging and allow for flow deliveries at the various levels of the Provo River. Otherwise, water deliveries to the original channel have gone well during low and average flow periods.
Aeration System
We have been operating an aeration system in the original channel since July of 2023. This system consists of two aeration types and was installed to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen levels. Testing of the aeration system has involved regular water quality sampling of the original channel. In 2023, this testing showed the need to increase the number of diffusers (or bubblers), which was done in June 2024, bringing the total number of diffusers to 36. Water quality monitoring shows the additional diffusers are supporting improved dissolved oxygen conditions through a much larger area of the channel. We will continue monitoring and testing through this fall and will evaluate whether additional changes to the system are needed.
Recreational Amenities
Construction of new recreational amenities on the original channel are scheduled for completion in 2025. These include three new fishing platforms and two non-motorized boat ramps - one at Alligator Park, and the other at the trailhead near Utah Lake State Park.
We also have provided funding to Utah County to repave the trail along the channel from Lakeshore Drive to Utah Lake State Park, this paving work will take place in 2025, after the boat ramps and fishing platforms are complete. The existing trail along the original channel will connect to the new Skipper Bay trail through a constructed pedestrian bridge that will create a 3.8 mile loop.
Trail users should expect other periodic closures until all recreation features along the channel are constructed.
In the coming years, the original channel will be managed by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) as a community fishery. The UDWR will be evaluating the channel to determine what fish species will be appropriate for the area and develop any necessary fishing regulations. With the work planned for this area, we anticipate the channel to continue to support recreation and be an amenity for those who use the Provo River trail.
Provo River Delta Gateway Park
Provo City is currently constructing the new Delta Gateway Park, located on the south side of the river at Lakeshore Drive. The park will feature a nature-focused playground and interpretive exhibits. The Provo River Delta project funded land acquisition, design, and construction of the park. Provo City began construction the summer of 2024 and will own and manage the park when completed in 2025.