Our Mission
The Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (Mitigation Commission), Central Utah Water Conservancy District, Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA) Office of the U.S. Department of the Interior and June Sucker Recovery Program are implementing the Provo River Delta Restoration Project to restore habitat and ecological function essential for recovering the June sucker (Chasmistes liorus) population. June sucker is a threatened fish that exists naturally only in Utah Lake and its tributaries. While June sucker spawn in Utah Lake tributaries, primarily the Provo River, delta estuary habitat and ecological function have been determined to be the major factors limiting June sucker growth and survival into adulthood.
Our Goals
The goals of the Provo River Delta Restoration Project are to:
Restore habitat conditions essential for rearing and recruitment of June sucker into the adult population on a self-sustaining basis.
Implement criteria of the June Sucker Recovery Plan to restore a naturally functioning Provo River Delta ecosystem, an essential component to future water development along the Wasatch Front.*
Secure water rights and provide water delivery to the lower Provo River to support habitat function and facilitate recovery of June sucker.
Provide recreational improvements and opportunities compatible with the habitat restoration project.
*Making sufficient progress toward recovery of June sucker is a requirement of continued and future water development and delivery along the Wasatch Front.
Lack of Available Habitat And Ecological Function Have Been Determined To Be Key Limiting Factors In Recruiting Juvenile June Sucker Into The Adult Population

Our Team
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission
The Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission is a federal agency created by Congress with the passage of the Central Utah Project Completion Act of 1992. The Mitigation Commission is responsible for coordinating and completing measures authorized by the Act to mitigate for fish, wildlife and related recreation impacts resulting from construction and operation of Federal water projects in Utah, particularly the Central Utah Project (CUP).
Central Utah Water Conservancy District
The Central Utah Water Conservancy District Central Utah Water Conservancy District's primary responsibility is to deliver clean water to customers by managing the vast Central Utah Project and District network of water facilities. It monitors and tracks precipitation levels and makes decisions on how best to serve current customers and provide water for future generations. It operates three water treatment facilities, two hydroelectric plants and nine reservoirs and administer the sale of water to customers in seven counties.
June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program
The June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program was established in 2002, and is made up of a coalition of state, federal, and local groups and agencies with two equally important goals: 1) to recover the June sucker so that it no longer requires protection under the Endangered Species Act; and 2) to allow continued operation of existing water facilities and future development of water resources for human use.
Central Utah Project Completion Act Office
The Central Utah Project Completion Act Office in Provo, Utah, was created in 1993 to oversee completion of the Central Utah Project. Staffed by a small team of professionals, the office represents the Secretary of the Interior, providing oversight and funding to the Central Utah Water Conservancy District and Mitigation Commission, for completion of the CUP.
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources serves the people of Utah as trustee and guardian of the state's wildlife. The Division provides interim management of the Delta project and will be the long-term owner and manager after project completion.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency responsible for managing, developing, and protecting water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. Reclamation provides assistance in many facets of the Delta project including design, engineering, land acquisition and in particular, heavy equipment operation and construction implementation.
About this Website
This website is an unofficial informational outlet for groups working within the Provo River Delta Restoration project. It is not an official website of the U.S. Government or participating agencies. The information and materials on this website have been compiled from a variety of sources and, as such, are subject to change and we do not make warranties with respect to the content, quality, accuracy or completeness of this website’s information or materials, including but not limited to: text, graphics, applications, databases, services, or any other information or materials.